
Tuesday, March 27, 2007


I'm moving to East Lansing this summer!! Actually, EL is not as cool and exciting as AA, but I'm going to be the Assistant Director for the EL Canvass office this summer. So this is a promotion and I'm really excited about it. I'll be heading to Boston the last week in April for training and the summer canvass starts the 30th of April. I'm in the process of trying to find a sublet for my room here in AA. I'll keep you guys updated!

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

1 year older

Today I'm officially 23 years old! There's nothing really exciting about being 23, but none the less I'm happy that it's going to be warm out today.

Thursday, March 08, 2007

It's been awhile...

Well lots of exciting things have happened since my last post....ok I can only think of 2.

First of all I became an Aunt! My niece Mia Katherine Hanley was born on Feb. 22nd at 8:06 am. She is seriously the cutest baby ever!

I was lucky enough to be able to take 3 days off of work to spend time with my family and help Jenny and BJ out. I'm so excited about being an aunt and spoiling Mia!

Secondly, I am taking the Assistant Director position this fall for the AA office. This summer will be really crazy for me because I will be busy training new staff and running crews, but I will also be taking over some Director responsibilities. In August I will have to go to Boston for training. I will also be going to Chicago a few times a year for meetings. I'm excited about all the new opportunities but my life is certainly still up in the air.

Those are basically the highlights of my life so far. I'm still busy with work and hanging out with my friends and catching up on sleep. I'm looking forward to my birthday and St. Patricks Day weekend because I will be celebrating in Chicago!

Hope everyone is doing well!

Sunday, February 04, 2007

Oh christ....

What a weekend....

Just got back from BG. I went down there after work yesterday evening. Of course I had a great time hanging out with my friends and catching up with them. There was much ridiculous going on. And it was extremely cold! But like I said I had a good time and now I need to get ready to go to a superbowl party at my friend/co-worker Steve's place.


Wednesday, January 31, 2007


So quick mid-week update:

I got my hair cut last week. I ended up cutting about 3 inches off. I was ready for something different. I went to this uber trendy place in downtown that I walk by everytime I go to work. It wasn't expensive and I love my new hair cut. Here's a pic:

I don't have a pic of what the back looks like because I'm not that talented. But it's short and layered.

On Sunday Katie and I saw The Departed. Holy shit!! It was really good just lots of blood. But a definite must see.

I had my letter to the editor published in the Ann Arbor News yesterday! Here's the link to the article: Oil-use changes should fight global warming

Hope everyone is having a great week!

Sunday, January 28, 2007

Life Update

Work, work, work...I'm working alot but it's going great as always. I'm getting alot more responsibility which is what I wanted. Our office added 5 more canvassers in 1 week which is awesome. I've been helping to train some of the new people to be field managers for this summer. Summer will be huge because we'll have tons of people in the office. Also, we wrote letters to the editor after the State of the Union address and I got a call from the AA News saying that mine is going to be published. I'm super excited about that! In other job related news, I was offered an Assistant Director position this fall for the Ann Arbor office. So if I don't get accepted to U of M I'm going to take the position. However, if I do get accepted to U of M, it'll depend on if I get funding to go to school. Either way, I'll be in AA for another year which I'm happy about; and I have a back up plan if grad school doesn't work out. I'm excited that my life is starting to have some direction and I have a sorta plan for the next 2 years.

Jenny is doing fine, the baby's head is down but she's not anywhere close to labor. I've been working on Saturdays so I can take time off when she does have the baby. I can't wait!

Yesterday was pretty low key. I worked during the day, grabbed dinner with Pat at ABC, and then went over to Jessie's to hang out. We watched Employee of the Month and piged out on chips and ice cream.

Today will probably be a lazy day. I'm going to the movies with Katie later, but I'm not sure what we'll see. Hope everyone is having a good Sunday!

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Bop Bop Do Do

Ok, so life has been pretty crazy lately. I've been really busy at work now that we're working with the Sierra Club. We are doing a lot more campaign work for them; things like letters to the editor, press conferences, letters to Congress, and town openings. So I've been working on those things as well as canvassing every night. I'm doing better with this campaign than HRC. I usually average around $250 a night which is pretty awesome. It's been interesting canvassing in the snow. It now finally feels like winter and people are always surprised to see someone knocking on their door in 10 degree weather.

The party my roommates and I had went really well. I had a good time and drank waaaayyy too much. These are my roommates: (Erin, me, Stacy, and Josh)

Those are some of my co-workers: me, Lauren, Katie (1 of 2 Assistant Directors), Pat (my boss), and Jessie. We spend alot of time together. Last night Katie and I made dinner for everyone and then went out to the bars. Needless to say, it was a good night. The people at work are pretty much like a family to me.

Well today I'm gonna do some laundry, watch TV, work on grad school stuff, maybe go to the Y, and have dinner with my Dopple and Michael. I can't wait to see them!